Sunday, February 14, 2010

Lets Fight It Together

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This video is one that was found on Youtube. It is an advertisement about an organization, Childnet International along with who work together to fight against cyber bullying. Their key message here, is that, all of us must fight against cyber bullying as a team. They are also extending a helping hand to those youngsters who are already victims of cyber bullies.

In the video we see that the young boy, who is the victim is always bullied by a group led by a curly haired girl. They send him nasty text messages, threatening IM's (Instant messages), call and harass him and also they posted a blog about him and made him look bad. These are all different examples of cyber bullying methods.

The victim would never speak out as he had a fear that the bullies would harm him. He also was very depressed and did not know how to speak out. Words failed him. Thus, nearing the end of the video, the boy, did a video recording of himself explaining about what had happened to him and how hurt and depressed he felt and left it lying around for his mother to find. Once she did, she took action against the kids who cyber bullied him, by meeting the school and the other necessary departments.

The boy who also followed his mother to speak to the departments who handled cyber bullying cases also spoke out about his problem and in the end a solution was achieved. The ending of this video is the boy speaking and laughing happily with a new friend at school. This goes to show, that cyber bullying does not pay off.

There were also quotes such as "Cyber Bullying IS Bullying" and also "Cyber Bullying Ruins Lives". These are powerful quotes as they create an awareness among the people who watch this advertisement. This goes to show that cyber bullying has the same effect mentally and physically on a person as bullying would. They are both of the same category.

This video proves to be a great advertisement as it has all the elements an advertisement does. Your feedback on this video is much appreciated.  

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