Monday, February 22, 2010



Duration: 2:23 min

Hello everybody. My name is Muzakkir. I would like to talk to everyone about cyber bully used by teenage girls. In this generation, teenagers girl are more commonly expose to the cyber bully. This is because by using the Internet, nobody can know who they are therefore they can do whatever you like.

From here, i would like to tell everyone cyber bully is more dangerous then playground bully. Let me tell you all why. This is because they can do whatever they want and no body will know who they are therefore the victim will be more affair then usual.

The effect of cyber bully compare to playground bully is more serious. This is because cyber bully is able to spread globally whereby playground bully only spreads around the area.

To reduce the rate of cyber bully cases, i urge the parents to take responsibility and monitor their children's movement towards the Internet.


Cyber bully: 网络欺凌

Playground bully:操场欺负


Teenages girl:少女



Spread: 伸展

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