Sunday, January 31, 2010

Poll Result Week 2

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On the 2nd week of the poll question, we ask the readers to answer a question for us. The question that are given to them are also incluededwith nanswer for them to pick from. The question that is being ask ' Who does the most cyber bullying?' and the answers that have been given for choices are 'Teenage boy, Teenage girl, Adult man and Adult women'. The voting are given for the duration of 1 week.

Out of the four choices that are given, people mostly vote for adult women to do the most cyber bullying as they have the most vote. they come in with 42%.To me, I think that the reason for the readers to vote on adult women is because most politic issue are being use by adults. By using cyber bully it can be used as a treat to thier oppenent.

The second most highest vote on cyber bully are being used are the teenage boys with 38% of the vote. This can happen because teenage boys like to use this type of method to disturb girls without letting the girls knowing whos doing it to them.

The last two lowest vote on poeple who does cyber bullys goes to teenage girls and adult man both at 17% and 4%. From my oppinion, i think this could happen because this both type of people just dont really care about what people say on the internet. they may have thier own perception on the thing that are being said on the internet.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Signs of Someone Being a Victim of Cyber Bullies.

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Cyber bullying is not a matter you can cast aside. It is a very serious issue which needs to be handled properly. Cyber bullying can cause terrible effects to those receiving the bullying. Those who are bullied online are embarrassed and harassed in front of millions of viewers worldwide, including their entire school or college. The internet is a very public place, especially if the bully decides to bully the victim on social networking sites, such as Facebook, Friendster, or even Twitter.

We must be aware of our friends and family behavioral patterns to ensure they are not victims of being cyber bullied. These are signs that your child, friend or collegue is being bullied online:
  • They may feel like there is no escape from cyber bullying. It seems easy enough to close these social media accounts and simply turn off of the computer. However, for some avoiding these websites or instant messages may seclude them from one of the most important places they socialize.
  • They may be at home when they experience cyber bullying, which can lead to a sense of endangerment within the confines of their own room or house.
  • Cyber bullies are more likely to say harsher words online or by text message because they don’t have to say it to the other person’s face or see their reaction.
  • They may feel like they can’t be secure within their own surrounding because some cyber bullies never reveal their identity. The anonymity of cyber bullying can add to their feeling of being unsafe.
  • They will withdraw themselves from the world due to feeling insecure and embarrassed.
  • They will have low self esteem and feel as if they are worthless people. They tend to feel down all the time and are unhappy people.
Information taken from :

Once discovering someone is a victim of being bullied online, steps must be taken to ensure that they get psychological treatment to ensure nothing happens to them. That will be discussed in another post.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Prevention Techniques on Avoiding Cyber Bullies

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Nobody can avoid the fact that one day we all might become victims of cyber bullies. However, as for our part of what we can do, there are few techniques we can learn in order to prevent ourselves of becoming the victims of cyber bullies.
(Image Obtained From:

First of all, do not exchange private and personal information such as email and pictures with people you just met over the Internet. If you are unsure, do ask your parents advice and permission whether it is necessary before giving out such information.

Secondly, do not perform any reckless actions when you are under the influence of anger or any such related emotions. Always remember and keep this in mind that it's hard to undo things you have done or said when you are under such emotionally behaviors.

Also, try to learn for yourself that don't get emotionally disturbed by others when they do mean things or say utterly ugly words about you over messages or over the Internet. Delete the messages from people you don't know.

Please keep in mind that online conversations are not private. Therefore, anybody can copy your conversations and even your pictures and misuse them and do damage to you. Thus, when you realise that something doesn't seem right, get out of the site or the chat rooms.
(Image Obtained from:

Last but not the least, do not ever reveal your passwords to anybody. You never know what a person is thinking deep inside and they can hold such information against you when they feel that their benefit or position is being threatened in any possible way. Also, do not give out other Private information such as IC number, address, phone number, school name, or family and friends names.

Reference: i-SAFE America Inc. (Online) Retrived on 29th of January.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Cyber Bullying Vs Playground Bullying

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Cyber bullying doesn't involve in any form of physical and body contacts, but it damages a person mentally. Also, at certain situations, it can also harm a person physically regarding on what has been posted on the cyber world. Cyber bullies can hide there identity and be anonymous in the cyber world. Cyber bullying has a wide reach of "target audience", it can reach to people who know the victim and as well as those who doesn't have a clue of the victim at all. Cyber bullies can be extra brave in the cyber world because they don't need to have to meet or have any face to face contact with the victim and still remain anonymous over the Internet. Last but not the least, in the cyber world, cyber bullies is able to fake their personal information and as well as the victims, thus this is unacceptable and is an unlawful behavior to have.

Playground Bullying
Now we will come and discuss of real life bullying and we can compare and see the difference from cyber bullying. Playground bullying involves face to face contact of the bully and also the victim and physical harm occurs during the process of Playground bullying. Playground bullies will not be able to hide their identity and be anonymous thus the bullies will usually have to face the consequences of the after bullying from the appropriate person or authorities, hence the playground bullies will have the extra "kick" to be brave enough to bully someone in person. Also, playground bullying doesn't have a wide reach of target audience due to geographical status and as well as real life obstacles.

The above two brief articles are a rough discussion on cyber bullying and playground bullying and further detailed discussion will be posted for you readers.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Behind The Scenes Of A Cyber Bully

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A common denotion amongst most of us, and victims alike are that cyber-bullies are mean, disrespectful, atrocious people. Little do we know that behind the scenes is a whole different story. Studies have been conducted to research the causes that turn these people into 'bullies'.

Cyber-bullying is similar to the traditional ways of bullying, where the 'bigger kids' push the 'smaller kids' off swings and slides in a park, or the high school bully who would taunt others and pick on people smaller than him or her. The underlying cause is pretty much similar. The reason for people to act in a manner that is purposely to cause hurt or anger towards another is the same, whether it is reality or virtually.

Unfortunately, although a playground is limited to a set number of people (or 'viewers'), the internet however, is not. The internet is an inter-connected network which branches out to millions and millions of users, causing victims of cyber-bullying to be exposed to worldwide shame and critisism.

A reasearch was conducted in May 2007, by the Pew Internet & American Life Project to determine the cause of these bullies, due to the fact that statistics showed that one-third of the US teenage internet users were targets of cyber-bullying.
(information taken from

According to the research, the problem still lies in the infany period. Growing kids look to older people to be taken as a role model. Through this, kids from problematic families, where thier mother and father are constantly arguing or they go through child abuse, will tend to become more agressive in nature and; as their 'role models' did, they too will disrespect other people unnecessarily. In a way, they were taught such ways by thier parents, as the parents did not set good examples to follow. Cyber-bullies usually consist of people who are facing serious issues due to thier childhood, or they were not brought up properly, in a proper enviroment. They are deprived of love and affection and this causes them to bury that need for it completely, and they tend to take out that frustration building in them on other kids around them, as they think it makes them feel better about themselves. They are usually the kids that need that hug or that token of kindness to make them realize that there is another way of attitude.

On another note, due to the fact that the internet poses to be a 'private' enviroment and makes people believe that they are anonymos, this encourages people to act more agressively and they tend to do things they would not try in real life. Thus, the advancement of online communication becomes a stimulant for those to act as they wish and do or say things (online) as they want too. This becomes a problem as those who are potential bullies tend to submit to their need to bully another.

The rise of cyberbullying - tech - 19 July 2007 - New Scientist: "'It's school-yard bullying taken to the next level,' says Justin Patchin, a criminologist at the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire."

Scientist: "It would be bad enough to be cyber bullied by one kid and nobody else knew about it, but a video seen by hundreds or thousands of your peers could be devastating," says Robin Kowalski, a phychologist at Clemson University in South Carolina and co-author of the book Cyber Bullying: Bullying in the digital age, which will be published in October."
(the book was published in October 2007)

Week 1 Poll Result


This is the result for week 1 poll question. The question that is being ask 'Have you even been cyber bully by other?' and the answer that are given to choose from ' Yes, No, Maybe and Not Telling.

Based from the result that is being vote by the readers, it show's that many people have not been a victim of cyber bully as the vote have taken out to 43% as the majority if the votes. the second highest vote come from maybe for 28% of the vote. From my opinion, the reason for someone to vote on that answer is because they have no idea that they are a victim of cyber bullying. This can happen because the people who vote may not know what cyber bullying may be.

Not telling and yes each got the fewest vote at 13% and 6%. This shows that even people have been cyber bully they wont admit them. Is it because it's a shameful feeling to feel it you have been a victim of cuber bully?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Cyber-Bullying Used by Teenage Girls

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Now a days, cyber-bullying is commonly use by teenage girls. This is because they are able to be means to the other poeple without letting them know who they are. So, by using the Internet, they are able to be even meaner as they could ever be.

It can be said that cyber bullying is much more dangerous compare to playground bullying. This is because the girls may have more courage to say what they want to say on the Internet compare when they needed to say face-to-face. So, they can basically say anything they want to say.

By using the Internet to bully, the victim who get bully wont be able to find out who is the one who send the bully message to them. From there, the victim will then find it hard to find out who send those message and they will be more scared then ever.

The message that the cyber bully have send can last more longer then the type of bully that are usually use in playground bully. This is because by using cyber bully, the massage can last longer and it can be know by more people as the Internet is connected to the whole wide world.

So, to avoid this cyber bullying use by teenage girls, it would be a good idea if there are parents to monitor on what their children are doing often.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Facts on Cyber Bullying.

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Cyber bullying can be remained as anonymous as using temporary email accounts, random names in chat rooms, social networking websites and many other internet venues to hide their identity. By doing this, it perhaps gives them the opportunity to expose their abnormal behaviors and actives which the cyber bullies wouldn’t be able to do in their normal life.

Furthermore, the cyber bullies think by using electronic technologies to carry out their agenda uses less energy and more courage to comment over a keypad or a keyboard. Additionally, electronic chat rooms are lack of supervision because it is almost impossible to trace the users and the users can communicate with each other freely. Also, when youngsters know how to operate these technologies and better than their parents, they can use them with no concern whether their parents will ever discover on what they are doing.

Cyber bullying is extremely difficult to prevent over the internet. Once a picture or a comment is posted on the internet, many people can potentially view the posted picture or the comment before it is removed.

Victims of cyber bullied can avoid the situations from happening by avoiding chat rooms and forums. Also, phones numbers and email addresses can be changed. In addition, many phone network providers and email accounts now offer services which enable the users to filter out messages from certain users and also the similar service such as ID caller functions.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What is cyber bullying?

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Cyber bullying is a problem that is faced by many, not just locally (here in Malaysia) but as far as the internet and other methods of information and communication technologies spread; all over the world. Many people suffer from this problem. This post is created to shine some light on the meaning of cyber bullying.

The most common denotation is; quote : "
Cyberbullying "involves the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others. -Bill Belsey" Through this interpretation of the term 'cyber bullying', it is seen that cyber bullying is a misuse of the modern day technology such as the internet and also handphones to present a message or an image to another in a direct intention to harras the other person. In simple terms it is the 'art' of tormenting others using technology; whether it be a nasty sms or a wall post on a facebook page of another person.

The fact that through the internet or phone, a person is not interacting directly with the person on the opposite end, thus, this creates anonymity and gives the person confidence to proceed to making crude or offensive remarks and not care about the consequences, as they are not face to face with the other person.

An example:
Hassan posted a mean comment to Pauline on facebook, stating that, "You are ugly and fat!"

This is already concidered cyber bullying as Hassan deliberately posted such a comment on Pauline's wall knowing that it will hurt her feelings.

On the receiving end of a cyber bully, a persons self esteem may decrease due to such behaviour of the other person. The person on the receiving end may suffer mental stress and feel tormented due to the cyber bully.

Effects on people in their teenagehood are the ones more effected by the cyber bullies as people in their teenagehood are more susceptible to peer pressure, thus having someone who repeatedly drowns them with negative comments will in turn decrease or ruin what is left of thier low self esteem and this may cause more severe mental problems in the future.

More information will be posted soon. Do tell us, if you wish, your ideas and examples you may have faced due to a 'cyber bully'.