Saturday, January 30, 2010

Signs of Someone Being a Victim of Cyber Bullies.

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Cyber bullying is not a matter you can cast aside. It is a very serious issue which needs to be handled properly. Cyber bullying can cause terrible effects to those receiving the bullying. Those who are bullied online are embarrassed and harassed in front of millions of viewers worldwide, including their entire school or college. The internet is a very public place, especially if the bully decides to bully the victim on social networking sites, such as Facebook, Friendster, or even Twitter.

We must be aware of our friends and family behavioral patterns to ensure they are not victims of being cyber bullied. These are signs that your child, friend or collegue is being bullied online:
  • They may feel like there is no escape from cyber bullying. It seems easy enough to close these social media accounts and simply turn off of the computer. However, for some avoiding these websites or instant messages may seclude them from one of the most important places they socialize.
  • They may be at home when they experience cyber bullying, which can lead to a sense of endangerment within the confines of their own room or house.
  • Cyber bullies are more likely to say harsher words online or by text message because they don’t have to say it to the other person’s face or see their reaction.
  • They may feel like they can’t be secure within their own surrounding because some cyber bullies never reveal their identity. The anonymity of cyber bullying can add to their feeling of being unsafe.
  • They will withdraw themselves from the world due to feeling insecure and embarrassed.
  • They will have low self esteem and feel as if they are worthless people. They tend to feel down all the time and are unhappy people.
Information taken from :

Once discovering someone is a victim of being bullied online, steps must be taken to ensure that they get psychological treatment to ensure nothing happens to them. That will be discussed in another post.

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