This blog district was generated by Ali, Muza and Tanith. Our mission of creating and maintaining this blog is to create awareness among the public about the issue at hand, Cyber Bullying. Cyber bullying is a serious isuue which people nowdays are taking for granted. Neglection of this topic is only further increasing the problems that are arrising. Thus, our blog will provide a breakdown on all topics relating to cyber bullying, including preventaion methods and also extra knowladge concerning the subject matter.
Target Audience:
Our target audience is basically whomever uses the internet ranging from the youngest of teenagers (13+ years of age) to the senior generation, for both genders. Cyber bullying can happened to anyone anywhere on the internet, and we find it our responsibility to ensure this blog contains enough information concerning the matter, and is accessible to anyone who wishes to gather more information.
Blog strategies:
1. Weekly questionnaire, which is our poll.
- We find that this is a good way to collaborate how much people actually know or aware of the seriousness of cyber bullying.
2. Weekly new posts.
- Our posts will contain new information and examples that are related to the matter.
- It will also have pictures and video's to further pull interest.
3. Reply to all comments.
- This is to create interaction and also answer any questions on the subject.
4. We will provide links to other popular (and trustable) websites that contain information on the subject matter.
5. Advertisement of blog through means of site maps and search webs.
Job scope:
Tanith :
1. Creates posts.
2. Updates pages information.
1. Analyzes the poll.
2. Ensures all posts are proper.
1. Creates posts.
2. Keeps blog in order and all the widgets in check.
This is us: